Women’s Participation

It is evident that women’s participation across HEMA, and especially among leadership positions, is generally lower than what would be a representative 50%. Growing women’s participation and developing opportunities for women and girls is thereby a specific aim.[1] We look to do so through initiatives that both encourage equality and facilitate female participation across all areas and levels of Swiss HEMA.

Equality Awareness: We have developed the special women’s HEMA logo above by adapting our One for All image with the purple colour of the women’s rights movement. This is used across our women’s participation initiatives and for promotional and awareness raising purposes. Products bearing the emblem can be purchased via the Swiss HEMA Shop.

Tournaments/Events: Having a space where women fighters can compete against one another will showcase women fighters’ abilities and may encourage more women to participate. The O&S Commission is looking to foster and support tournaments for women in Switzerland by working with member clubs to develop and promote women’s participation in them. Already several tournaments have women only sections.

Needs/Research: We feel it is important to understand the needs of women and girls in HEMA. The O&S Commission will research into those issues affecting women practicing HEMA. This will hopefully provide insight and new ideas to assist women in the sport.

  • HEMA, Women and Data! An interesting article from HEMA Graz on a 2021 survey of HEMA practitioners that gives valuable insights into supporting women’s participation: “…while women already play an important role in our community more work regarding safety, inclusiveness and reduction of other barriers should be done.”

Information: There are various national and international initiatives set up by women’s groups or HEMA participants. Please follow these links for more information (other suggested links are welcome):

  • sporti{f} is the Swiss women in sport network. Founded in Autumn 2019, it is an important platform for equality in sport and for the exchange of specialist topics. The objective of sporti{f} is to strengthen the position of women in sport and at work. The association is the point of contact for questions of equal opportunities and equality between men and women in the field of sport: https://sportif.info/fr/
  • alliance F represents the interests of women in Swiss society and politics. One of its headline projects is the Helvetia en pistecampaign, which looks to ensure equality in Swiss sport: https://www.helvetia-en-piste.ch
  • Federal Office of Sport: The office develops and holds various resources. Including a report and ideas on the encouragement of girls in sport: https://www.ehsm.admin.ch/fr/domaines-d-activite/integration-praevention/maedchenfoerderung_im_sport.html
  • The Esfinges (The Sphinxes) is the first international women’s HEMA network. It was created to unite and support women martial artists, as well as to encourage more women to take up the practice of Historical European Martial Arts: http://esfinges.net / https://www.facebook.com/EsfingesHEMA
  • By the Sword is a HEMA event for women, trans women and gender non-conforming people of any experience level who want to approach the art of sword practice: https://bythesword.net https://bythesword.net/by-the-sword-2020-2/

If you have questions, suggestions or wish to help, please contact the O&S Commission members on: safeguarding@swisshema.ch

Please use the tabs or these links to view our ongoing and developing Openness initiatives: LGBTQ+Promoting DiversityEvent Support.

[1] Following the Brighton plus Helsinki 2014 Declaration on Women and Sport, with its overriding aim to develop a sporting culture that enables and values the full involvement of women in every aspect of sport and physical activity.